Josef Macek (23 October 1942 – 19 April 2016) graduated from the Woodworking Secondary School in Bystřice pod Hostýnem (1958–1962) and then joined the TON national enterprise in Bystřice pod Hostýnem, where he worked for almost four decades: as a technician in the plant in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm (since 1962), as an engineer – product designer …
Come and find shapes both familiar and newly discovered, as if cut out of a picture encyclopaedia or awakened from our nightly dreams. Liberate from paper the wildlife, favourite fruits from Grandma’s garden, waves and clouds drifting across the sky, geometric shapes from unknown galaxies. We will breathe new life into them and combine them into fantastic …
Every opening day, Villa Tugendhat is full of visitors and tourists from all over the world, who admire the empty shelves, the chairs and armchairs that cannot be moved, the beds that no one sleeps in. What would happen if you moved into the house with your family or friends? What would the beautiful functionalist austere …
Come and discover the basic principles of comic storytelling. We will be guided through the story of Villa Tugendhat by the children Hanna, Ernst and Herbert Tugendhat. We’ll play hide-and-seek in the villa, also hide in the illustrations and comic frames, jump around the bubbles of conversations and create our own stories and their characters …
Each artist works with different techniques and has a distinctive artistic language. Under the curatorial guidance, they have also chosen a different approach to their own interpretation of the villa in its multilayered form and have worked on the sub-themes that are closest to their interests. The result is a diverse range of representations of Villa Tugendhat and …
The exhibition “Starting at Zero” will for the first time focus on the difficult time these female avantgarde designers went through as they had to re-establish and reinvent themselves in the wake of Nazism in Europe in the 1930s–1940s. Their legacies are today beyond doubt among the most striking and enduring that ever came out …
Through sketches, drawings, models and video projections, the exhibition promises a thought-provoking design exploration of emergent forms of domesticity that challenge conventional notions of private and collective space. “Dialogues” in this context refers to multiple back-and-forth interactions between research and practice, building and city, object and landscape, user and designer. These dynamic ‘conversations’ define, shape, and …
ICONIC HOUSES, an international non-profit network connecting architecturally significant monuments of the 20th century, termed as “house museums”, was founded in 2012 on the initiative of Natascha Drabbe, a Dutch architectural historian and manager of cultural projects. Currently, the organisation consists of nearly two hundred such buildings worldwide and lists them on the website – in …
After its completion in 1928, the main exhibition palace of the Brno Exhibition Centre won the admiration of its contemporaries and its progressive structural design and impressive architectural form continue to fascinate today. For the impression of its interiors, Pavilion A has been compared to a cathedral, and this monumental effect has not been diminished by the …
Since the 1950s, Budík’s name has been inextricably linked with Villa Tugendhat, which now represents one of his most famous photographic collections. At the beginning of 1956, Miloš Budík entered a seemingly inconspicuous, somewhat strange house at 45 Černopolní Street in Brno with his camera. He was sent to this address by the editorial office of the …
Exhibition opening: Tuesday 2 May 2023, 18.00Exhibition: 3 May – 4 June 2023 (open without reservation Tue–Sun 10:00–18:00)Lecture with a guided tour of the exhibition: 18 May 2023, 18.00Guided tour of the exhibition: 31 May 2023, 16.30 Organisers: Brno City Museum; National Centre for Furniture Design, o. p. s.Exhibition curators: Dagmar Koudelková, Karolína KouřilováVilla Tugendhat curator: Michal …
Adam Hudec is a researcher/artist/architect and PhD candidate at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, focusing his multidisciplinary research on physical territory, often deconstructed by a set of data to reveal the unexpected and hidden anomalies. Operating at the intersection of art, science and architecture, interdisciplinarity became his tool to investigate hidden and invisible phenomena of the …
For the new project designed especially for Villa Tugendhat, Zuza Golińska (PL) assembles a minimal floor constellation. The shine of stainless steel objects lying on the floor shifts our focus; from looking for sculptures on pedestals we have to look under our feet so that we do not step on them. Each circular shape is individual …
Andi Schmied is a visual artist and architect based in Budapest, Hungary, graduated from the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. The focus of her installations, videos and printed work is the architectural framing of social space. She uncovers unexpected human behaviors and urban anomalies — places that, for one reason or another, do not follow …
The main starting point of Petra Gell‘s work is the exploration of possible interactions between space and surface or the effect of colours and compositions on the viewer. She often uses building materials and their colours originally intended for purely pragmatic purposes, which are usually hidden under the façade (e.g. insulation foils and polystyrene). With her …
Petra Gell and Bernadette Krejs will talk and walk the visitors through the exhibition and selected aspects of Villa Tugendhat which enter into a dialogue with Petra Gell’s site specific work. The discussion will take place in English on the garden terrace of the villa (in case of nice weather) and in the exhibition space on the …
Marit Wolters‘ work explores the relationship between nature and architecture and the various aspects of their intersection. Individual materials, exploration of their properties, local material histories and the theme of recycling in artwork often play a central role in her installations. At Villa Tugendhat, Marit will follow up on her 2017 research internship at the Bauhaus …
Emphasis was placed on the preservation of the original materials and technical equipment, so that the greatest possible degree of authenticity of the monument is preserved. The goals of the restoration of the building were defined by the architects from the Villa Tugendhat Association: “a) rescue and significant extension of the life of the monument …
“The purpose of the structure provides it with its actual sense. (…) A dwelling should only serve for housing. The location of the structure, its placement in relation to the sun, the layout of the spaces and the construction materials are the essential factors of creating a dwelling. A building organism must be created out of these conditions.” …
Discussion will be available via Zoom under this link (passcode: LessIsCore). Participants of the discussion:MArch Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Uran VítekAndrew Santa LuciaEric Goldemberg MArch Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Uran Vítek graduated in Civil Engineering and Architecture from Brno University of Technology (2006) and the Faculty of Architecture of Brno University of Technology (2009), studied at Die Angewandte in the ZAHA …
Diskuze bude dostupná přes Zoom zdarma zde. Účastníci diskuze:MArch Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Uran VítekProf. Ing. arch. Monika MitášováMgr. Filip Šenk MArch Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Uran Vítek vystudoval stavební inženýrství a architekturu na VUT v Brně (2006) a fakultu architektury VUT v Brně (2009), dále studoval na Die Angewandte ve studiu ZAHA HADID ve Vídni. Zabývá se navrhováním a výzkumem na poli digitální/parametrické …
Their interpretation is focused on understanding the pulsation of space in Mies’ architecture and the subsequent materialization of an invisible and elusive phenomenon into architectural proto-objects. Thus, a new sphere and interface between the old and the new is created, through which the innovative thinking of the early twentieth century and the present can be bridged. …
The ground plan of Villa Tugendhat, transferred into virtual reality, becomes a form of a three-dimensional graphic score, interpreted in real time by the interaction of the structures and a visitor’s movement. The latter will be able to read the space arbitrarily – and hear it. Precise digital tools (max/msp) will be used for the sonification of the architecture, …
One of the basic principles of the villa is its connection between the interior and the exterior. The garden thus becomes part of one space, inhabited and shaped. The ordinary visitor naturally wonders how the villa’s inhabitants lived in the constant presence of two open walls, which, unlike the others, are certainly not a passive participant in …
To do so, they employ introspective sound and movement practices of attentional change that lead to a deepened perception of space without a straightforward visual or aesthetic connection to the villa. Their approach is based in particular on techniques of active listening (deep listening) and authentic movement. The exhibition is the result of sound and movement research …
In the project SENSING THE NIGHT researchers, artists, philosophers, architects and curators from Vienna and Brno are invited to spend a night in the Villa Tugendhat to experience the sleeping, resting body in connection with the surroundings. The meditative effect of architecture on the human body and consciousness is the main focus. Our society is running …
15/12/2020 – 28/02/2021 / postponed to 15/6/ – 6/7/2021The final exhibition, prepared by the Study and Documentation Centre for the 90th anniversary of the Villa Tugendhat completion, presents a professional media reflection of Villa Tugendhat after its completion and later in the 1960’s, when architecture theorists rediscovered interwar modernity. Curators Henry-Russel Hitchcock and Philip Johnson in particular contributed …
21. 11. – 27. 12. 2020 / extended to 13. 6. 2021 The exhibition presents the findings of many years of research by the Villa Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre, which has been examining individual fragments and personal testimonies documenting the fate of this family home, the use of which radically changed in the second half of the twentieth century. After …
The RE.STORATION.2010.2012 exhibition presents the course, idea and selected restoration procedures of the comprehensive monument restoration of Villa Tugendhat and its adaptation to an installed monument of modern architecture – a historical building with recreated interiors. Emphasis was placed on the preservation of the original materials and technical equipment, so that the greatest possible degree of authenticity of …
The House of ArtsMalinovského nám. 2, BrnoOpen: Tue – Sun 10 am – 6 pm11. 9. – 15. 11. 2020 Opening: 10. 9. 2020 18:00 Curator: Dagmar Černoušková a Jindřich Chatrný The exhibition project marks the ninetieth anniversary of the completion of the construction of the Tugendhat House and the tenth anniversary from the start of its restoration. The house of the husband and wife Greta …
At a time when contemporary digital cameras have reached truly breathtaking levels of quality, there is an increasing trend among photographers to return to the medium’s essence by working with techniques that do not stun us by their visual quality but captivate us by their rawness and imperfection. One example is the photographer Pavel Piňos and …
Starting 11 June 2020, Brno City Museum will be hosting the exhibition ADOLF LOOS, EUROPEAN: HIS LEGACY IN BRNO AND BEYOND at Špilberk Castle. This “exhibition of the year” runs until 31 December 2020, when the celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of one of the most important figures in 20th-century architecture, Brno native Adolf …
City life and urbanity, the contrasts of inside and outside, of blurriness and focus, reflections and mirror images, plays with the viewer’s perception — these are the pictorial themes of the Berlin-based photo artist Arina Dähnick. She discovered the architecture of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the autumn of 2012, when, after a thunderstorm, she …
UNESCO sights are a kind of fetish. So are instant photos. David Židlický, a long-time photographer of Villa Tugendhat, combines these two aspects in his unique large-format instant photographs from Brno and Barcelona taken in 2019. However, the created works are not “fetish squared”, but an effort to grasp the notoriously known spaces through a technical process that …
Exactly one hundred years ago, the Bauhaus – a new school with a focus on architecture and industrial design formed by the merger of the local art academy and school of applied art. The school’s first director, the architect Walter Gropius, aimed for “the union of all the art under the leadership of architecture and the renewed …
30. ledna – 10. března 2019 The premiere of the film “The Glass Room” will be accompanied by an exhibition of film costumes by Katarina Štrbová Bieliková. The artist has designed 90 original costumes for this film that takes place over a relatively long timeframe. The exhibition will become a guide to the costume-making process. Twenty selected items will …
Extended until 6 January 2019. Výstava připravená u příležitosti druhého, rozšířeného vydání publikace Jindřich Halabala a Spojené uměleckoprůmyslové závody v Brně připomíná Halabalovy nadčasové návrhy, především sedacího nábytku, které jsou dodnes ceněny pro originální tvarové i ergonomické řešení. Nadčasové pojetí dokládá novodobá výroba společnosti Modernista, která na výstavě prezentuje kolekci autorizovaných replik nejoblíbenějších modelů. Vernisáž: úterý 30. 10. 2018 v 19 hodin. V rámci vernisáže …
In 1931, roughly eighty photographs were created of the Villa Tugendhat, depicting the villa in its entirety – full shots, medium shots, and close-ups of the exterior, plus similarly composed images of the house’s interiors. The author of this photographic documentation was the Brno-based photographer Rudolf Sandalo Jr. (1899–1980). The images were possibly commissioned directly …
Villa Tugendhat designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1930 exhibits drawings and sketches done by Zvi Hecker in 2017–2018 for the “House Neumeister” located in Monte Fumo, Itri, between Naples and Rome.It is a silent dialogue between two family houses, designed in different time and different locations.The exhibition shows the lengthy process of design …
Architecture Day 2017: A documentary about a photographer with the soul of an architect will be screened on the Tugendhat Villa garden terrace: Lucien Hervé, Photographer despite Himself. Director: G. Messiaen, France, 2013, 55 min., French with English subtitles. “You have the soul of an architect,” Le Corbusier wrote to Hervé and asked to visit him. From that …
A documentary about a photographer with the soul of an architect will be screened on the Tugendhat Villa garden terrace: Lucien Hervé, Photographer despite Himself.Director: G. Messiaen, France, 2013, 55 min., French with English subtitles. “You have the soul of an architect,” Le Corbusier wrote to Hervé and asked to visit him. From that time until his …
A part of an exhibition project prepared by the Brno City Museum and 4AM / Forum for Architecture and the Media, dedicated to the work of the Brno architect Jan Dvořák. An attitude to architecture and art created during the past regime is sought by many of representatives of the present middle-aged generation of the lay …
An exhibition project in an entirely unusual place, brings together three renowned middle-aged artists. Two of them come from Bohemia – Jiří David (born 1956) and Jiří Kovanda (born 1953), the third is Roman Ondak (born 1966) from Slovakia. The curator of the project is Martin Dostál. All three artists are hosted during the first …
A second showing of the exhibition Civilized Housing for Everyone. Jan Vaněk 1891–1962. will take place in the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava from the 5th of October 2016 until the 2nd of April 2017. This exhibition and publication project, initially organised by Mr. Jindřich Chatrný in the Brno City Museum in the year 2008, is the first to …
Historical models, timeless classics and contemporary works by the company TON. Come and see how handmade bentwood furniture production has been developing in Bystřice pod Hostýnem over 155 years. The exhibition was prepared by TON, with the support of Villa Tugendhat. It will be open to the public from 22 September to 31 December as …
Lilly Reich was born on 16 June 1885 in Berlin, where she trained as an embroiderer. At the age of twenty-three years she got a job at the Wiener Werkstätte under Josef Hofmann. In 1911 she returned to Berlin, where she met Hermann Muthesius, founder of the German Works Association (Deutscher Werkbund), in the very next …
Throughout March, the Moravian Library in Brno holds an exhibition and accompanying programme as part of the Eyes of Brno cycle to commemorate the130th birth anniversary of the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The exhibition was prepared in cooperation with the Villa Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre. More information here. You can download a poster here. Accompanying programme: …
Ceremonial return of original furniture with accompanying programme and a presentation of the famous brand design presented by Vitra Monday, 26th October will be a significant day at the Villa Tugendhat – the exhibited space will see the return of the history of the villa in the form of several original pieces of furniture from the 1930’s. …
Špilberk, 21. 11. 2013 – 26. 1. 2014 V neděli 26. ledna 2014 se v 15.00 na hradě Špilberku koná poslední komentovaná prohlídka Vladimíra Franze a Idy Saudkové k výstavě „Můj dům, můj hrad”. Na Špilberku bude od 21. listopadu 2013 do 26. ledna 2014 k vidění svým rozsahem výjimečná výstava multižánrového umělce s nezaměnitelnou vizáží a mezi mladými lidmi nejpopulárnějšího prezidentského kandidáta. Vladimír Franz, přední český hudební skladatel …
On Sunday 10 November 2013 at 5 p.m. there is the last guided tour of the Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881–1919) Retrospective exhibition in Brno House of Arts. After the guided tour, the personality and work of Wilhelm Lehmbruck will be introduced in a dramatic picture with actors Dalibor Buš (Husa na provázku) and Lukáš Černoch (HaDivadlo). You will also …
On Sunday 10 November 2013 at 5 p.m. there is the last guided tour of the Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881–1919) Retrospective exhibition in Brno House of Arts. After the guided tour, the personality and work of Wilhelm Lehmbruck will be introduced in a dramatic picture with actors Dalibor Buš (Husa na provázku) and Lukáš Černoch (HaDivadlo). You will also …
Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881–1919) Retrospective Sculptures, paintings, drawings, lithographs and photographs from the Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg and from the artist’s estate The Brno House of Arts Malinovského nám. 2, 602 00 Brno Open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Guided tours take place on Thursday 10 October and on Thursday 7 November 2013 at …
The exhibition Růžena Žertová, architect, designer, artist in Brno will take place in the Brno City Museum in Špilberk Castle from the 12th September to 20th October 2013. It is still possible in Czechoslovak architecture and design of the second half of the 20th century to find remarkable figures whose work has not yet been …
Exhibition The Eisler brothers, uncertain times 1921–1961 The construction company of Eisler brothers was among largest in Brno during the ‘First Republic̕ − the inter-war period. Their best-known realizations include the Villa Tugendhat (by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, 1930), Hotel Avion (by architect Bohuslav Fuchs, 1928), Palace Morava (by architect Ernst Wiesner, 1929). …
An exhibition concerning the unique appearance of modern Brno architecture by means of pictures, photographs, plans, models and the stories of both the architects and the commissioners… The villas of Brno are experiencing a renaissance after years of stagnation under the previous regime. Renowned villas initially came about in Brno as summer homes and only later …
JAN VANĚK 1891–1962. CIVILIZED HOUSING FOR EVERYONE THE REGIONAL FINE ARTS GALLERY IN ZLÍN, 15THOF SEPTEMBER TO THE 14TH OF NOVEMBER 2010 A second showing of the exhibition Jan Vaněk 1891–1962. Civilized Housing for Everyone will take place in the Regional Fine Arts Gallery in Zlin from the 15th of September up until the 14th of November 2010. This exhibition and …
After the successful restoration work on Villa Müller in Prague, completed in the year 2000, the Adolf Loos Study and Documentation Centre initiated its activities directly in the Villa. The results of their ongoing research work were presented in Pilsen at the international symposium Work and Reconstruction organised in 2003 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of …
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