The article maps out the more than eight decades of history of Villa Tugendhat. The author of the Villa for Grete and Fritz Tugendhat (1929-1930), the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, lived in the USA from the year 1938 and had an essential influence on the development of American architecture in the 20th century. Villa Tugendhat in Brno is at present the most authentic preserved realization by Mies on the European continent.

The article introduces the particular construction stages as well as the social-political history of the building. It captures the genius loci of the locality in relation to Brno architecture of the 19th century which was focused on nearby Vienna. It also deals with the turbulent fate of the house in the post-war period and presents the two years of renewal and restoration of the structure (2010-2012).

The article can be downloaded on the Czech version of our web pages.

Dagmar Černoušková, Brněnská vila Tugendhat: osm desetiletí moderního domu, Architektúra a urbanizmus. Časopis pre téoriu architektúry a urbanizmu, roč. XLVI, 2012, č. 1-2, s. 24-51