European pioneers of Modern architecture lectured in Prague and Brno at the turn of 1924–25: Le Corbusier, Amédée Ozenfant, Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud, Theo van Doesburg, Walter Gropius as well as the Brno native Adolf Loos. Loos actually intensively cooperated with the editorial board of the magazine Bytová kultura (Housing Culture) including its German version Wohnungskultur and with the Brno UP závody company of the architect Jan Vaněk in the middle of the 1920s. Loos also represented this company in Paris where at the beginning of 1925 he negotiated with Le Corbusier regarding the production of furnishings for his exhibition pavilion L´Esprit Nouveau, although the order did not come through in the end. Adolf Loos also contributed to the conception of the interior of the Czechoslovak exhibition pavilion at the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Applied Art in Paris in 1925.