A star duo of Paul Newman and Robert Redford in the title role will be the companions of the audience at the November film screening in the glass room of the Villa Tugendhat. The plot of this famous crime / comedy is set in the Chicago gangster environment of autumn 1936. The main storyline, divided into seven chapters, illustrates how the two heroes, professional crooks, try to rob the mafia boss Doyle Lonnegan (Robert Shaw), and avenge the death of their friend. The film, which now ranks among the legends of the silver screen, was awarded three Oscars – for Best Film of the Year, Best Costume Design and Best Screenplay. They must not remain unmentioned or music already composed by Marvin Hamlisch and for which he employed the famous ragtime tune “The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin.
Ticket price: 200 CZK
Tickets can be booked from 3 November 2015
Prior reservation necessary
Reserve your tickets at +420 515 511 015 / 017 or by e-mail at info@tugendhat.eu
(capacity is limited to 30 persons).
You can download a poster here.